It's the location for this year's Latin American Spectrum Conference, but what does Sao Paulo have to offer as a city?
Spectrum thoughts
and insights
The UHF shake-up means many people will need new TVs, and in the UK there is no long-term guarantee about terrestrial HDTV. Isn't the consumer being treated badly?
The UK is consulting but the decision seems to have been taken. Many other European countries are following suit and the challenge now is to make sure this is a…
Is this the beginning of the end of our worries about interference, or just the end of the beginning?
Politicians should be taking a long-term view rather than thinking that spectrum auctions can replace state-owned telcos as a cash lifeline.
The amount raised was the average of our upper and lower estimate: much less than the government's projection!
Everyone knows that mobile broadband traffic is going through the roof. So how much spectrum do you really need? While spectrum policy and regulation is constantly being developed, debated, and…
There have been a myriad of attempts to define spectrum usage and spectrum rights. For fun(!) I have been trying to bring these all together into a single framework for…
The recent set of events related to the Hewlett Packard acquisition of Autonomy seems to have little relation to the mobile and broadcast worlds and their future use of spectrum…
St Mary’s University College – which runs journalism training courses – went to the High Court today (Monday 11 November) to try to force a reporter to reveal her sources…
2014 will be a defining year for the emergent TV white space industry, a major study by global spectrum management specialist PolicyTracker has concluded.
Releasing a second tranche of TV spectrum for mobile use in EMEA could have unexpected impacts on associated sectors like advertising, broadcasting, web services and the tablets and e-reader markets,…
Is now the time to take a step back and re-consider not just the 700 MHz band plan, but everything from 450 to 960 MHz?
No, unlicensed devices in the 2.4 GHz band (2400 – 2483.5 MHz, operation under Part 15.247) probably won’t be the next GPS/LightSquared, where a large installed base of unlicensed devices…
A deal signed today (17 Feb) by representatives of 165 countries has greatly increased the likelihood of a second digital switchover across Europe. This could involve viewers having to retune…