Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Will trading ever cross the pond?

The new year has begun with two large secondary trades between US mobile operators. Will trading increase on the other side of the Atlantic this year?

Shouldn’t PPDR be TDD?

PPDR is looking for spectrum. TDD spectrum is available. Maybe there is an opportunity for the perfect match.

Editorial: When is an auction not an auction?

Belgian regulator BIPT’s announcement that the country’s three existing network operators had won all the available spectrum in its 800 MHz auction is a strong candidate for “least surprising news…

Editorial: Is it harder to argue with numbers?

The European Parliament's Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit has questioned the European Commission's much-repeated claim that its proposals for the telecoms industry will increase economic output by €110 billion each year.

Editorial: Kroes defends telecoms package

This afternoon, Neelie Kroes is defending the Commission's draft telecoms reform package in front of an audience that includes many senior figures from Europe's telecoms industry.