US company Globalstar is willing to take a huge bet on a paid-for Wi-Fi service. Where is the equivalent risk-taking in the European wireless sector?
Spectrum thoughts
and insights
And the winner is...the person who can revolutionise spectrum efficiency!
Europe's policy makers are struggling to overcome differences of opinion on both the 700 MHz and 2 GHz bands.
The BBC is to use the Glasgow Commonwealth Games to host a demonstration of how TV white spaces (TVWS) can be used to stream both live and "on-demand" multimedia content…
The latest development in the mobile data demand saga shows the power of ITU documents.
The European Parliament has now approved Jean-Claude Juncker's new European Commission after he changed some portfolios and commissioners to appease MEPs' concerns.
Scottish voters go to the polls today to answer a very simple question: should Scotland be an independent country?
They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but one of the key messages from the CTIA's "Super Mobility Week” came through loud and clear: employing lobbyists will…
Our recent article on the JTG meeting sparked a debate in the PolicyTracker office: is the ITU-R decision-making process too secretive?
Norway is now a two-player mobile market - for the time being at least
Ofcom intends to reallocate the 700 MHz band for mobile broadband.