A few ill-conceived lines in the statute book have forced Poland's Ministry of Administration and Digitization to curtail the 800 MHz/2.6 GHz auction, provoking an angry reaction from bidders.
Spectrum thoughts
and insights
In these early days of 5G, there is very little agreement on which spectrum bands it will use. So far, discussions within the telecoms industry have focused on broader questions.…
Machine-to-machine communications (M2M), expected eventually to support the much-heralded Internet of Things (IoT), have so far largely relied on sharing spectrum on a licence-exempt basis.
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Qualcomm has confirmed it will sell its 40 MHz of spectrum in the L-band in the UK to two mobile operators. Meanwhile, support for an IMT identification in the band…
CTIA-The Wireless Association is urging US regulator the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to start work on the next round of spectrum assignments as soon as next year’s incentive auction is…
The long summer months are known in journalism as the silly season because society’s movers and shakers go on holiday, causing a deficit of political and economic excitement.
Do you feel that your rights are being trampled by a pin-striped two-headed monster with an evil cackle?
The world's most sought-after spectrum is currently being auctioned in what is arguably Europe's strongest economy - so why are wallets staying closed?
The UK mobile industry is so keen on LTE Broadcast that “by 2020, no live TV will be unicast,” says Matt Stagg, senior manager of network strategy at the country's…
Some 14 months ago, we asked whether Licensed Shared Access (LSA) was "ready for take-off". A couple of weeks later, we were assured by delegates from Nokia and Qualcomm at…
In the run-up to this year's World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15), one issue discussed less than others so far is Agenda Item 1.3, which looks at identifying spectrum for broadband public…
The deadline has now passed for comments on the Lamy report on the future of the UHF band in Europe. While the European Commission won't release the consultation responses for…