Spectrum thoughts
and insights
The European Commission must recognise the Brexit crisis by freezing all proposals which reduce national powers - in the spectrum field and elsewhere.
The regulatory framework review survey might have been less leading.
Building digital economies doesn’t have to be expensive, as India is demonstrating to good effect. As the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, drives forward his vision for a Digital India, his…
Whether the Commission is justified in trying to force member states to adopt the EU position at WRCs remains to be seen. The question is, will its strategy work?
Regulators and governments around the world are monitoring the US incentive auction to see if they should follow suit. If much of the profits go to investment firms rather than…
Spectrum policy often seems to rely on a simplistic interpretation of the term, not realising that it is discredited in the disciplines where it was born.
It's not the biggest or most popular broadcasters which are being offered the largest incentives....
The merger between BT and EE might be done and dusted, but the competition question rumbles on.
We can't claim to have spoken to every single person with an interest in spectrum policy, but we do have a pretty good proxy: PolicyTracker's most-read stories of 2015. Some…
That’s the question PolicyTracker would like to ask, having digested the results of our survey on the outcomes of WRC-15. It is, of course, a slightly glib one.
World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) negotiations are notorious for being complex, but this year’s inter-governmental event has exceeded expectations by remaining incomplete as of the penultimate morning.
One more week to go to find agreement on Agenda Item 1.1
As well as being widely acknowledged as the most important event in spectrum management, the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) is also widely known for its long, drawn-out negotiations that can…