Spectrum thoughts
and insights

What motivates OTT players’ approach to spectrum?

What motivates OTT players' approach to spectrum? Who is pushing the spectrum sharing agenda? Academics and some regulators for sure, but in industry terms it is the OTT players like Google,…

Research update: China seeks 5G leadership

Our latest Research Notes focus on China, namely the world's biggest operator, China Mobile and a manufacturer of increasing importance, ZTE.  In the past year both companies have made 5G a strategic priority.…

What is really holding back “5G” in Europe?

The GSMA and ETNO have called on legislators yet again to ditch their “grim” approach to the 5G vision, as if having concerns about one-size fits all licence terms, pushy auction planning…

Spectrum wars 2.0

In the same way that warfare has supposedly, for lack of a better word, “evolved” over time from the wholesale conquering of an enemy’s territory into a more targeted and…

Make your mind up time

Seriously now: are we facing an imminent lack of spectrum due to exponential data demand or are we not? Answers, please, in the context of the European Parliament confirming the timetable for…

5G or not 5G?

3GPP’s Release 15 will probably bear the “5G stamp”. This means that there is nothing to stop marketers calling LTE and LTE-advanced technology included in the final documentation “5G” when…