Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Mobile competition in the 5G era: a white paper

Competition in the mobile market has always been a balancing act, but 5G may be tipping the scales. PolicyTracker's new white paper, Mobile competition in the 5G era, examines the key policy…

Are verticals interested in 5G at all?

If you’ve been to a telecoms event over the last few years, chances are you heard the phrase "5G aims to cover a wider set of use cases". People claim…

mmWave: the transatlantic divide

5G services in mmWave bands have been as popular in the US as they are unpopular in Europe. Verizon is already providing home broadband using pre-standards 5G in 28 GHz…

Chinese support would boost 700 MHz across Asia

China appears to be getting closer to releasing the 700 MHz band for mobile use. The benefits of the band for mobile broadband, including rural and in-building coverage, are well…

5G: drowning in a sea of numbers

Have you ever wondered what comes after a trillion? Or how many zeros there are in a nonillion? From crime statistics to the cost of 5G, we don't seem able to…