Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Six key trends in current mobile bands

Radio spectrum policy is often discussed in the context of "winning" the race to 5G, or at least ensuring that consumers will not end up losing out on some of…

Updated band profiles

The profiles of mobile bands in our Spectrum Research Services have been updated to take into account developments over the past year. These include auctions and regulatory decisions at the…

Eight countries make 5G spectrum available in Q2

The latest update of the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database shows 5G assignments picking up in both mmWave and mid-band frequencies. Despite attention on the German C-band auction, the quarter's most expensive…

PolicyTracker joins ceramics legends

Or to put it more more prosaically, we have moved offices! The new PolicyTracker address is: Suite 223, China Works, 100 Black Prince Road, London, SE1 7SJ, UK. All other…

Does industry need its mid-band subsidy?

Governments have long considered tax breaks and credits useful tools to encourage investment in disadvantaged communities. Policymakers hope that they can encourage firms to put an under-used resource—people living in…

A new series of research notes: the WRC-19 Briefing

Radio spectrum policy makers get the opportunity to change the Radio Regulations, the rulebook for the international use of spectrum, every three or four years at World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC).…

What is spectrum management?

Our Weekly Spectrum Briefing usually talks about a current policy issue but recently we have been going back to basics, reconsidering some fundamental questions. The first being what is spectrum…

Free pass for Annual Spectrum Summit, July 3, Germany

There is a brilliant line-up of key opinion-formers at the Spectrum Summit 2019 on 3 July in Germany and PolicyTracker customers can receive a free pass! The Spectrum Summit is organised by LS…