In the UK, the Labour Party's shock announcement of a part-renationalisation of BT is the strongest sign yet of wider political shifts with major industry implications.
Spectrum thoughts
and insights
WRC-19, an international conference in an Egyptian beach resort, is attracting attention from some of the world's most important figures in politics and business. Even US President Donald Trump wrote…
In the past few months, we have tried to explain how spectrum management and policy has evolved in the past 100 years, why some approaches have become dominant and set…
Spectrum managers from all countries and industries are currently gathered at the Egyptian beach resort of Sharm El-Sheikh to amend the Radio Regulations, the treaty governing the international use of…
It's not spectrum auctions that have produced most of the updates in this quarter's PolicyTracker Spectrum Database (PSD). The last quarter of 2019 saw 817.4 MHz of new or changed…
The mobile industry can perhaps be forgiven for feeling hard done by these days. Regulators not only expect them to invest large amounts of money to build 5G networks but…
The man who will be running the show at WRC-19, Amr Badawi, says he is looking forward to a few weeks of sun, sand, sea and spectrum in Sharm El…
Countries around the world are making spectrum available for 5G services, partly in the hope of enabling "vertical" applications. But rather than continue to award spectrum on a nationwide-exclusive basis,…
This year we have published a six-section “Spectrum 101” that sets out the fundamentals of modern spectrum management. This week we turn out attention to 5G verticals - the idea…
The last year has seen 5G become a reality in many countries, as national regulators have made significant progress in making spectrum available for 5G. Regulators have also found ways…
This autumn we are publishing a six-section "Spectrum 101" that sets out the fundamentals of modern spectrum management. This week we put the focus on 5G. Our note summarises global…
The 5G section of our research service now focusses on possible new 5G bands, rather than those which are already in use or already assigned, such as 26 GHz or…
Watch any presentation made by a government official from an Asian country and 5G sounds tantalising. Their powerpoint slides frequently use terms like "industrial revolution 4.0" and explain how their…
5G networks are expected to use many bands that were previously allocated to - albeit not necessarily used by - 4G networks. But the next generation of wireless technology will…
At PolicyTracker we regularly publish research reports on current spectrum topics. But this autumn, we are also revisiting core tenets of spectrum management in a six-section "Spectrum 101". This week we are…