Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Signature spectrum training course being held on 13-17th September

PolicyTracker’s longest-running spectrum training course, Understanding Modern Spectrum Management is being held online on 13-17th September 2021. It will be taught in live three-hour sessions with trainers including Professors Martin…

What does Big Tech want with spectrum?

Governments around the world are becoming more and more wary of Big Tech. Even the Government in their home country, the United States, is considering sweeping anti-trust rules that could…

What does Open RAN mean for spectrum?

This week Parallel Wireless announced it will build a 4G Open-RAN network in Colombia using the 700 MHz band. The announcement adds to growing momentum behind the approach, as operators…

New Dossier available on Open RAN

One of the clear trends in the telecoms industry at the moment is operators' increasing interest in the use of Open RAN approaches to network buildout. The idea is to…

PolicyTracker band profiles have been updated

This week the FCC announced its plan to publish a Public Notice about implementing emission limits agreed at WRC-19 with respect to licences across the 24.25 - 25.25 GHz range.…

New Dossier and Research Note on mobiles and health

Over the past few months PolicyTracker has published articles and organised a webinar on strategies for communicating messages about EMF (electromagnetic frequencies). Our latest Research Note considers how industry can…

Anti-5G campaigns: meeting the communications challenge

How should companies and public bodies respond to the emotive messages that have made anti-5G campaigns so effective? In a previous Research Note we analysed anti-5G narratives, here corporate communications…

When spectrum auctions go wrong

The beauty of spectrum auctions is that they force operators to put their money where their mouth is. Operators may be able to make a compelling case of why they…