Spectrum thoughts
and insights

Join the 5G Observatory workshop this Thursday

The 5G Observatory is funded by the European Commission and assesses progress towards EU policy goals by reporting and analysing the latest 5G developments. Titled 5G in the Digital Decade,…

Updated Low Earth Orbit Tracker

In 1961 the USSR launched the 'space race' by successfully sending Yuri Gagarin to space, and back. Sixty years on, we are again in another 'space race'. But aside from…

New 6G Dossier now available

Moore's law states that computing power effectively doubles every two years. In the telecoms industry, a similar kind of law seems to apply, in that a new generation of mobile…

What does 6G mean for spectrum policy?

One of the perennial problems in spectrum management is that new demands come faster than ways to clear the airwaves. New technologies are always in development, but even with the…

Q3 sees new record prices for the 3.5 GHz band

New iteration of PolicyTracker Spectrum Database tracks 11 auctions across six bands. The last three months included two potentially expensive spectrum auctions. Operators in one of these countries, Pakistan, largely…

An updated global reference book for spectrum management

Spectrum management is complicated. Engineers, lawyers, policy makers and investors all think about spectrum in different ways. Further, many different types of organizations are relevant for spectrum management, and they…

Will private 5G generate demand for mmWave spectrum?

Despite all of the controversy surrounding identifying spectrum for mobile broadband above 24 GHz, most of the recent 5G deployments have been in the mid-band frequencies, specially around 3.5 GHz.…

Is broadband a public utility? Does it matter?

Looking at a list of utilities, most people today would likely identify a missing piece, broadband. In this day and age, where much of our professional and personal lives revolves…

Analysis from our Spectrum Research Service
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