Spectrum thoughts
and insights

It’s too early to dismiss spectrum sharing

In 2022, the status of spectrum sharing approaches remains highly fragmented. There is a patchwork of bespoke national approaches that generally depend on specific bands and scenarios. One of those…

New CBRS research notes added

It was a big day for spectrum sharing when US regulator the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opened the 3.5 GHz CBRS spectrum band to commercial operations. The band is unique…

Changing priorities in spectrum auctions

Are auctions still the best way to assign spectrum? Many people have doubts. Gerald Pogorel, for example, Professor Emeritus at Télécom Paris, told us earlier this year that auctions were…

What will emerge from the 6G melting pot?

Consumers may still be coming to terms with 5G, but the telecoms industry is not hanging about—work on 6G is well underway. Samsung, for example, has just launched a 6G…

Open RAN movement gathers pace

Open RAN may now have passed the "peak of inflated expectations" stage of the Gartner hype cycle but there are still no suggestions of a "trough of disillusionment". As our…

UAS dossier updated for 2022

Are unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) ready for take-off? According to our updated UAS dossier, the answer is yes, but a lack of clear rules is keeping them on the ground.…

HAPS research updated

Google may have given up on Loon, but there is still plenty more to come from high-altitude platform stations (HAPS). WRC-19 defined operational characteristics and spectrum bands for HAPs, and…

New Eutelsat research note

As we mentioned last month, French satellite firm Eutelsat is teaming up with OneWeb. The deal would see Eutelsat combine its 36-strong fleet of geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites with OneWeb’s…