New speaker for auctions webinar this Wednesday
Professor Erik Bohlin from Chalmers University in Sweden will be joining our New Thinking on Spectrum Auctions webinar on Wednesday May 27. The webinar will consider how auctions are evolving in the light of the need to stimulate innovation and improve network investment and nationwide coverage. Professor Bohlin joins other leading voices in this debate: Professors Gerard Pogorel, Martin Cave and Antonio Nicita, a commissioner at the Italian regulator AGCOM.…
Professor Erik Bohlin from Chalmers University in Sweden will be joining our New Thinking on Spectrum Auctions webinar on Wednesday May 27.
The webinar will consider how auctions are evolving in the light of the need to stimulate innovation and improve network investment and nationwide coverage.
Professor Bohlin joins other leading voices in this debate: Professors Gerard Pogorel, Martin Cave and Antonio Nicita, a commissioner at the Italian regulator AGCOM.
New Thinking on Spectrum Auctions starts at 2 pm BST (3 pm CET; 9 am EDT) and you can register here.
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