New policy Dossier highlights the key issues at WRC-23
As spectrum becomes ever more important to the world economy, the chance to influence global usage seems to attract more interest, from more countries, and with input from more businesses.
This opportunity arises every four years at World Radiocommunication ConferencesThe World Radiocommunication Conference (W... (WRCs). These conferences, run by a UN-affiliated agency called the ITUThe International Telecommunication U..., reviews and amends the document that governs the international use of spectrum, the Radio Regulations. These regulations only bind individual countries to a limited extent, but their impact on shaping global consensus on how each band should be used cannot be overstated.
The next WRC, to be held in 2023, appears set to gather more interest than ever before. Internet companies in particular appear set to lean in to the process to protect their interests in drones, Wi-Fi, and TVWS, to name a few examples.
And although 2023 may seem far away, delegates are already trying to influence the development of views being thrashed out in its long preparatory process.
At PolicyTracker we have long been following these discussions as part of our news and research service.
The WRC-23 Dossier provides fresh analysis of the key issues and is available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers here.