
New glossary feature launched

Use this new feature to find definitions for spectrum terms.

| Richard Haas

What is an IMT band exactly? And who are the members of CEPT again?

Starting today, we have enabled a new feature to help you answer those questions. Acronyms or technical terms will now automatically link to a definition written by our spectrum experts. You can see an example if you hover over the words above which are hyperlinked and behind a grey box.

ITU glossary entry
The ITU glossary entry

We hope these definitions are helpful whether you’re new to the field of spectrum policy or just need to remind yourself of a few things. Technical terms can act as a barrier keeping people from engaging with spectrum issues and we hope our glossary can help make this important field more accessible.

You can see all our glossary entries listed in alphabetical order here. They are open access, so feel free to share them with colleagues. We hope to update it regularly with new words or acronyms.

By | Richard Haas
Richard is a journalist and analyst at PolicyTracker. Apart from writing about spectrum policy news, his main responsibilities include maintaining the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database and producing the Spectrum Podcast. Richard is fluent in English and German.
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