New Eutelsat research note
As we mentioned last month, French satellite firm Eutelsat is teaming up with OneWeb. The deal would see Eutelsat combine its 36-strong fleet of geostationary orbitObjects in the GSO, or Geosynchronous Orbi... (GEO) satellites with OneWeb’s constellation of 648 low Earth orbit (LEONGSO, or non-geostationary satellite orbit...) satellites, of which 428 are currently in orbit.
Eutelsat’s Konnect VHTS satellite, carrying what some have described as the most powerful satellite digital processor in the world, is also due to launch tomorrow.
And its Quantum satellite, Europe’s first commercial satellite capable of being completely reprogrammed while in space, is now in commercial use.
With all these developments in mind, and others, we have added a note on Eutelsat to the Spectrum Research Service. Subscribers can read it here.