New country profiles reveal focus on 5G
What is the point of spectrum policy? Ask two spectrum managers and you will probably receive three answers. In four countries newly profiled by PolicyTracker the answer is clear: 5G.
In Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea, the authorities appear to regulate spectrum with a clear focus on enabling the world’s best 5G networks.
Two of these, China and Japan, think that the way to do this is to avoid using auctions.
The exception to this principle appears to the UK. As we note in our updated country profile, regulator Ofcom’s recently published consultation on its ten-year spectrum management strategy is largely focussed on other areas, although it is working to release the 26 GHz band. This includes the fun-sounding spectrum sandbox, where spectrum managers are invited to innovate and experiment with new technologies and/or business models.
This week we also release updated country profiles for five important markets for 2022:
All country profiles are available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers here.