
Incentive auctions show mounting pressure on broadcasters

Ten years ago few would believe that broadcasters would soon be giving up large sections of UHF to the mobile community: but that's what's happening in many countries around the world.
| Martin Sims

The US came first with the 800 MHz auction, and now it’s leading the
way in calling for the use of another innovative technique. Incentive auctions allow TV stations to share some of the proceeds from the sale of relinquished spectrum and was high on the agenda at a recent FCC workshop. The regulator believes it could recover 120 MHz from broadcasters.

This is significant: the FCC is effectively saying the market should
have a much bigger role in determining the national balance of TV
platforms, something which other countries regard as so crucial to
democracy and culture that it should be set by government.

If the FCC’s plan goes ahead this is sure to be influential in those
countries which have resisted a more market-orientated approach to
broadcasting spectrum.

There is also a wider question of whether the economic, social and
cultural goals of spectrum policy can be achieved more successfully
through new types of auctions. This will be one of the theoretical
issues examined at the PolicyTracker Spectrum
Auctions Masterclass
, on 10-14 January 2011, along with hands on experience of running and participating in auctions

Also in this month’s PolicyTracker is an interview with the new Director of the ITU Radiocommunications Bureau, François Rancy.  Please take a trial of the only newsletter devoted to spectrum management by clicking on the
links below or downloading the PDF of our printed edition.


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Martin Sims, Managing Editor, PolicyTracker

What’s new this month?

Incentive auctions

Incentive auctions will tackle spectrum crunch say FCC

Dugie Standeford

High Tech Spectrum Coalition pushes for incentive auctions

Dugie Standeford

Other auctions news

Clearwire said to be selling chunk of 4G spectrum for $5 billion

Michael Newlands

Danes cancel auction and award licences to Hi3G

Michael Newlands

Ofcom leans towards 2.6 GHz band for Games use before commercial release

Michael Newlands

ITU elections

François Rancy: Radiocommunication Bureau should not be seen as a miracle worker

Scott Billquist

ITU elects leaders for next four years

Scott Billquist, Geneva correspondent

Digital dividend

Irish regulator wants joint 800/900 MHz auction in early 2011

Michael Newlands

Australia consults on digital dividend

Michael Newlands

New research confirms cable industry’s LTE interference fears

Dugie Standeford 

Latin America gears up to address the digital dividend

Michael Newlands

Other articles

Ofcom to cut budget by 28 per cent

Jonathan Watson

IMT in extended C-band still a question mark following WRC-07 decision

Scott Billquist

IMT-Advanced 4G specs on track for approval

Scott Billquist, Geneva correspondent

By | Martin Sims
Martin is the Managing Director and Lead Analyst at PolicyTracker. He has over 20 years of spectrum policy experience.
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