Has 5G lived up to its promise?
5G promises to make our devices faster and more efficient, while also facilitating connectivity in other industries such as agriculture and healthcare.
In recent years, key spectrum bands ranging from 700 MHz to 26 GHz have been assigned to mobile operators to use for this new mobile technology. Those in the industry say this is necessary to realise the full benefits of 5G.
However, not everyone agrees that 5G has been a success. In the latest episode of our introductory spectrum management podcast Spectrum Policy 101, we are joined by Professor William Webb of Access Partnership and Ulrich Rehfuess of Nokia. They explain which spectrum bands matter for 5G and debate whether the technology has delivered on its promise.
In the second half of the episode, Marja Matinmikko-Blue from Oulu University in Finland describes what the priorities for 6G might look like. Matinmikko-Blue considers what the upcoming generation of mobile technology, which is expected to emerge around 2030, will bring.
All the episodes are open access and available on the leading podcasting platforms. You can also listen to the podcast on YouTube here.