
Discount for new book by PolicyTracker team

Subscribers can get Understanding Spectrum Liberalisation for 20% less!
| Martin Sims

As you may have noticed, my colleague Toby Youell and I, along with Richard Womersley of LS telcom, have just finished a book called Understanding Spectrum Liberalisation. This gives me two reasons for a blog post. 

First, to tell you more about the book and how it came about. 

We have reported on spectrum liberalisation since 2004, finding the mobile sector broadly supportive of the concept. So about five years later, when the industry needed more spectrum to cope with the data explosion, why did they ask regulators and governments to provide it, as if we were still in the command and control era? Why didn’t mobile operators try to buy spectrum from the existing owners using market mechanisms?

Did this mean spectrum liberalisation had failed? Or was it a partial success? If so, what was limiting its impact in the mobile sector, which in economic terms is the most important.

Like most simple questions, these have complex answers, and in the book our explanations cover a wide range of subjects from engineering to economics and from history to law. We hope it shows both the structural constraints on liberalisating spectrum management but also provides a critical introduction to the subject.

The second reason for posting is that PolicyTracker subscribers can get the book at a discount. This special price of only £36 is available via the button here or on any of our subscriber email alerts.  

Delivery is pretty fast – I’m pleased to say the copies I ordered for our forthcoming training course came in only a few days, and an order for Japan took about a week.

Kind regards


Martin Sims

By | Martin Sims
Martin is the Managing Director and Lead Analyst at PolicyTracker. He has over 20 years of spectrum policy experience.
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