
New feature: compare spectrum markets around the world

A new module for the Data Explorer graphically contrasts frequency assets in national mobile markets, shows the number of operators and reveals how evenly spectrum is distributed.

| PolicyTracker

The new module has two views. It can zoom in on selected countries, showing operators’ mobile spectrum holdings in low, mid and high bands, displayed as pie charts and graphs.

Sub-3 GHz holdings in the USA, China, Japan and Germany

The second view compares national spectrum markets – showing the amount of mobile spectrum assigned, the number of MNOs, and how evenly the spectrum is distributed.

Total low, mid and high band spectrum assigned

Any country can be selected for a detailed comparison of MNO holdings, or the data can be filtered for benchmarking.

Full details of the sourcing and methodology used is available here and this page explains the questions the Data Explorer can answer.

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