An updated global reference book for spectrum management
Spectrum management is complicated. Engineers, lawyers, policy makers and investors all think about spectrum in different ways. Further, many different types of organizations are relevant for spectrum management, and they often have viewpoints that conflict with each other. These views also seem to vary by region. Even allocations for the detection of naturally occurring phenomenon, radio astronomy, vary from country to county.
The PolicyTracker Spectrum Handbook 2021-22, now available for Spectrum Research Service subscribers here, helps spectrum professionals cut through the noise.
It brings together authoritative information from the PolicyTracker Spectrum Database, our news reporting, and research notes. It is based on in-depth research, including wide-ranging interviews with the key players in radio spectrum management.
The fully-updated, 256-page handbook, now in its sixth edition, features insights into:
- The most important Agenda Items at the 2023 World Radiocommunication ConferenceThe World Radiocommunication Conference (W...
- Assignments and trends for all mobile bands, including potential future 5G bands
- Key spectrum trends for the mobile industry
- Spectrum strategies for:
- 10 mobile operators
- 8 mobile vendors
- 4 software companies
- 3 satellite operators
- The approach and current issues for spectrum in 13 leading economies.
The report is included as part of our Spectrum Research Service.