A new series of research notes: the WRC-19 Briefing
Radio spectrum policy makers get the opportunity to change the Radio Regulations, the rulebook for the international use of spectrum, every three or four years at World Radiocommunication ConferencesThe World Radiocommunication Conference (W... (WRC).
The next WRC, WRC-19, will be held at the Egyptian beach resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, for four weeks beginning this October.
Many people are aware of the blockbuster agenda item on mmWave 5G, but are less familiar with the 30+ other agenda items that will be discussed at the same time. Similarly, many spectrum policy makers have spent much of their working lives navigating the various committees and processes associated with WRCs, but many have not.
Our WRC-19 Briefing is a series of research notes that explains the background and key issues for each agenda item. We also outline key countries’ and regions’ preliminary positions for each of these items, bearing in mind the current state of technical preparations.
The notes are available at the following links:
- The first provides an overview, explaining the functions of the WRC-19; its preparatory process and the progress in reaching consensus on the agenda items;
- The second analyses each agenda item related to terrestrial services, apart from mmWave 5G;
- The third explains the current state of play for agenda item 1.13, mmWave 5G. We discuss the bands that are attracting the most interest, and explain the key areas where there is still a need for consensus building;
- The fourth focusses on agenda items related to satellite services, explained in CPM Report chapter 3;
- The fifth examines scientific, aeronautical, maritime, and amateur services-related agenda items, as set out in Chapter 4 and 5;
- The sixth and final note concerns general issues, including the agenda for future WRCs, as explained in Chapter 6.
The links for parts 1-3 appear to be broken.
Thank you for spotting the oversight.
Links now fixed.