Twenty-two nations now have plans to authorise IMTInternational Mobile Telecommunications (I… use of the upper 6 GHz range or portions thereof. This includes 12 nations in Asia (one of which is China) that are now consulting on or planning, IMT/licensed upper 6 GHz band policies.
In addition, certain nations that originally opened the entire 6 GHz band for unlicensed use are now reducing the unlicensed range to 5925—6425 MHz. In Central America, Honduras has done this with a view to licensing the upper 6 GHz band and in South America, Brazil plans to do the same.
However, there is still plenty of traction in unlicensed 6 GHz policies. Since the last PolicyTracker 6 GHz benchmark in early 2024, 16 new countries with unlicensed policies and plans have now been included in the benchmark.

Another notable trend in several nations is the consideration of the assignment of the upper 6 GHz band for shared use between Wi-Fi and mobile. Australian regulator ACMA has announced that subject to additional studies and consultations, a sharing regime will be introduced for Wi-Fi and IMT sharing. In the UK, the regulator Ofcom is also exploring options for the shared use of the upper 6 GHz band between unlicensed and licensed services.
The updated 6 GHz benchmark is now available to PolicyTracker Spectrum Research Service subscribers.