WRC-23 dossier updated with outcomes
We've updated our dossier on WRC-23 to reflect the decisions made at the conference.
WRC-23 decided over 19 Agenda Items (AIs), four Topics and 11 Standing Items that are broadly grouped under four core radio service umbrellas (fixed, mobile and broadcasting, transport, space and science) with a fifth category covering items of a general nature.
Over 3,900 delegates from 163 ITUThe International Telecommunication U… Member States attended, including 88 ministerial-level participants.
Among the decisions, WRC-23The World Radiocommunication Conference (W… identified spectrum for International Mobile TelecommunicationsInternational Mobile Telecommunications (I… (IMT), which will be crucial for expanding broadband connectivity and developing IMT mobile services, also known as 4G, 5G and, in the future, 6G.
That new spectrum includes the 3300—3400, 3600—3800, 4800—4990 and 6425—7125 MHz bands in various countries and regions. The 6425—7125 MHz band in Region 1 and 7025—7125 MHz in Region 3 were identified for IMT by footnote.
In the transport arena, a decision was made to introduce the Chinese BeiDou navigation satellite system to the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System). Under the space and science heading, key decisions included a new secondary allocation for Earth Exploration Satellite Services (EESS) in the 40—50 MHz band. This will allow the use of spaceborne radar sounders to monitor the movement of polar ice sheets.
All this and much, much more is explained in detail in a series of updated Research Notes which are now available to Spectrum Research Service subscribers.