10 days to go to WRC-19
The man who will be running the show at WRC-19, Amr Badawi, says he is looking forward to a few weeks of sun, sand, sea and spectrum in Sharm El Sheikh.
There are now just 10 days to go until it all gets underway. PolicyTracker‘s very own Manuel Marti will be there to keep an eye on proceedings. He won’t be given an ‘access all areas’ pass, but he will do his best to be everywhere at once – well, everywhere he’s allowed to be, that is.
But hang on a second… what is the WRCThe World Radiocommunication Conference (W... exactly? What on earth do people do all day? How come it all drags on pretty much until the Christmas season? What does it mean when a band is “identified”? Does a delegate just point at it and say “that’s 700 MHz, that is”? (Spoiler alert: the answer’s no.)
If you’ve ever wondered about any of this, or have been wondering why we at PolicyTracker have been banging on about WRC-19 almost constantly for most of the last four years, then why not have a look at our brief guide to the event?
It’s part of our six-section “Spectrum 101” that sets out the fundamentals of modern spectrum management.
We’ve already said what we think the most contentious issues will be. But what do you think? Go on, tell us!
The PolicyTracker Spectrum 101: WRC-19