All 5G entries in Research Service updated
The 5G section of our research service now focusses on possible new 5G bands, rather than those which are already in use or already assigned, such as 26 GHz or 28 GHz, which now appear in the current mobile bands section.
The possible 5G bands are listed below and there is also an overview identifying trends from the past 12 months. We argue that while most 5G networks will use bands already available for 4G, WRC-19 will be vital in determining which mmWave bands will be used for next generation services. The predominant mmWave 5G band is likely to be the 26 GHz band in Europe and China, and the 28 GHz band in Japan, South Korea, and the USA. In general, propagation characteristics mean that interest in bands decrease as frequencies increase.
Links to the band profiles, including for possible 5G bands, are available here.