5G: spectrum consensus builds but operator doubts remain
Our research notes this week discuss how views on 5G bands have coalesced since WRC-15, giving an overview of Tier One bands like 700 MHz and 3.5 GHz, 26 GHz and 28 GHz, where large-scale deployment is expected over the next five years.
Tier 2 bands, where deployment is expected in five to ten years are examined in articles on 40-50 GHz, 50-60 GHz and 60-70 GHz. (See also our notes on Tier 3 bands last week)
We also examine the varying levels of enthusiasm across the industry, noting particularly the more sceptical tone adopted by operators.
Research Notes
5G spectrum: progress since WRC-15 by Martin Sims
Two years ago a large number of possible 5G bands were being proposed but short term plans are now focussed…
40-50 GHz by Patrick Gahan
7.7 GHz in 40-50 GHz was identified for possible 5G usage at WRC-15 with wide support from both the mobile industry and its traditional foes.
50-60 GHz by Martin Sims
The ITUThe International Telecommunication U... approved for further study just a single 5G band in 50-60 GHz. Industry is treating this as a lower priority than other neighbouring bands.
60-70 GHz by Patrick Gahan
60-70 GHz has good prospects as a long term mobile band as there is currently limited opposition.
Auction Tracker updates
Malaysia 700 MHz Beauty Contest by Patrick Gahan
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
Malaysia’s MCMC plans to assign the 700 MHz band through a beauty contest planned…
Thailand 850 MHz, 1.8 GHz by Patrick Gahan
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)
October 17 2017: Several articles from September 2017 reported that the NBTC was going…
Thailand 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 2.1 GHz, 2.6 GHz by Patrick Gahan
National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)
India 700MHz, 800MHz, 1800MHz, 2300MHz, 2500MHz and 3400MHz-3600MHz by Patrick Gahan
India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT)
October 16,2017: The DoT ran a consultation on the upcoming auction between 28 August and…
Greece 1800 MHz by Patrick Gahan
Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT)
The Greek telecoms regulator has launched a new auction for the use of…
News articles
When is 26 GHz actually 28 GHz? by Kane Mumford
26 GHz was identified as a 5G candidate band at WRC-19 and 28 GHz was not. But in the real…
DTT switchover lags in Asia-Pacific region by Dugie Standeford
Only five of 50 Asia-Pacific (AP) countries have completed the shift from analogue to digital terrestrial TV (DTT), and most…
Nobel economics prize winner’s work includes analysis of spectrum auctions by Dugie Standeford
Richard Thaler, who was awarded the Nobel prize in economic science last week, is viewed as a pioneer of behavioural…
Italy to announce 2018 auction details today by Kane Mumford
PolicyTracker can reveal details of Italy’s auction of spectrum in the 700 MHz, 3.6–3.8 GHz and 26.5-27.5 GHz bands, which…
Deutsche Telekom not yet clear on cost of 3.4-3.8 GHz 5G networks by Kane Mumford
Further trials in the 3.7 GHz band in Germany are on the way, says chief technology and innovation officer Claudia…