The regulator unexpectedly chose U Mobile, a smaller MNO, to run the country's second 5G wholesale network.
Auction reauthorisation, reformed spectrum management and more spectrum for 6G are among the policy changes the second Trump Administration could introduce.
Since PolicyTracker last updated its 6G Dossier in 2022, significant progress has been made in framing the 6G future and setting more meaningful directional targets and milestones.
Many countries are investing heavily in 6G R&D programmes. R&D agendas are seeking to align with the ITU’s IMT-2030 framework and to feed into the ongoing 6G standardisation process. Many…
Both 3GPP and the ITU are progressing agendas to identify spectrum for satellites and other non-terrestrial networks. 3GPP Release 19 anticipates adding spectrum in the Ku-band, while WRC-27 will consider…
6G IMT-2030 networks will use multiple frequency bands—existing terrestrial bands, repurposed bands, and spectrum in new bands. This Research Note examines the current state of 6G IMT spectrum identifications and…
3GPP and the ITU are moving forward with standardisation work towards 6G across both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks and ultimately the full integration of the two. 3GPP 6G normative standards…
Regional and national 6G roadmaps are seeking to align with the ITU’s IMT-2030 (6G) framework and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, along with standards developments as they progress in…
Since PolicyTracker published its first 6G Dossier in 2021, there has been significant progress in the framing of the 6G future and the setting of more meaningful directional targets and…
Russia’s Roscosmos says it will not use the band for satellite communication systems, so it can be made available to local operators.
The US National Spectrum Strategy calls for a study of the 7125—8400 MHz band for possible identification for wireless broadband. Earth observation providers are strongly opposed.
An overview of the key engineering, legal and policy issues
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